acasă / Oferte de muncă / Service Technician HVAC
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Service Technician HVAC (m/x/f)

locație: /
statut: Muncitor
domeniu: Construcții și lemn
contract: Interim cu optiune de contract direct
program: Cu normă intreaga zi
salariu: 17.15 EUR per uur (min.)
ultima modificare: 02/06/2024
referință: 270272

descrierea funcției

As a maintenance technician in retirement homes, schools, hospitals, etc. you will come in contact with the latest techniques and equipment. 

Your main tasks are:

  • For 60% of your time, you carry out repairs and depannages
  • You first analyse the problem and in case of difficulties, you can fall back on your colleagues in the office to help you.
  • The other 40% of your time you spend on periodic and predictive maintenance of HVAC installations, such as boilers, air groups, chillers, heat pump installations, etc.
  • You are mainly alone on the road (leaving home in the morning to go to the first site), but can rely on a team of 10 colleagues. You will also receive support from the office.
  • You will work in the regions of East and West Flanders. You will be on duty 1 week out of 5, for which you will also be compensated.

profilul tău


  • You have a technical degree in HVAC, air-conditioning, refrigeration, central heating, electricity or are equivalent through experience
  • You already have the certificates: G1 - G2 ( technicus gasvormige brandstoffen)
  • Good electrical knowledge and you can read a HVAC board
  • Driving license B
  • You speak Dutch fluently. Knowledge of French is a plus

ce-ți putem oferi?


  • Salary: minimum 17,15 euro bruto/hour
  • Your wage depends on your experience with the necessary indexations, according to the construction sector
  • Meal vouchers
  • permanent contract
  • 40-hour work week, so you will have 12 paid extra days off on top of legal leave
  • Wages are reviewed annually depending on your efforts
  • A van, so you can leave from home to work
  • The necessary training
  • The opportunity to grow and develop yourself in a company that is the market leader in its sector

Interested in this opportunity? Apply now and we contact you back immediately!

Informații companie

Our client is a family-owned group specializing in building technology and present throughout Belgium.

The company brings sustainable comfort to buildings by integrating the innovative technologies in HVAC, plumbing, electrical engineering, energy & climate management, medical gases, medical equipment and fire protection.

Let's Work o agenție privată acreditată pe piața muncii pentru intermediere în Regiunea Flamandă și Valona sub numărul VG. 45/BU, în Regiunea Bruxelles Capitală sub numărul: 00015-405-20130404
La Let's Work, recunoaștem valoarea unică a fiecărei persoane, indiferent de sex sau origine, și ne angajăm să creăm un mediu de lucru incluziv. Ne concentrăm pe recunoașterea și punerea in valoare a talentelor și calităților individuale.
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Codrina Vasilache

Office Manager

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te rugăm completează datele tale aici, pentru a te putea contacta cât mai repede.

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Nu ai găsit jobul potrivit încă, dar ești pregătit pentru un nou capitol? Spune-ne cine ești și ce cauți. Te vom contacta în 24 de ore. Următorul pas în cariera ta? El începe aici.

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